PUA #8 - Positive attitude

Publié le par jetchandy


It was about 10 minutes ago. From the moment we locked eyes as she entered the pub, I knew all that wax I put on my hair and cologne I sprayed on myself was going to be utilised. There was a way about her feminine grace that made my heart flutter and my nerves tense up. I rubbed my hands together to try and ease up and look slightly more composed. As I took the first step, I popped my chin up. As I took the 2nd step, I smiled to myself and believed that this was going to be fun. On step 3 and 4, I made the all-important eye-contact. On 5, I threw out the best conversational starter I have ever used in my life: "Hi." with a genuine smile.

A couple of questions might run through your head. Do I look like a Greek God? Am i a celebrity? What brand of hair wax was I using? I'd tell you this, NONE of that matters. What mattered the most was the POSITIVE ENERGY that I was giving off. Allow me to explain.

Look at it this way. Imagine yourself being alone and just minding your own business. Suddenly, someone comes over and asks you for money. Now, compare this to a scenario where someone comes over to you and OFFERS you money. Now, which of the 2 options will you be likely to enjoy more? Anyone who doesn't choose option 2, drop me an e-mail and I'll give you my bank account details.

I think no one likes to be dragged down and made more depressed. But I strongly believe that everyone wants to eventually feel happy or end up in an emotionally-elevated position. My style of meeting a woman does not consist of smart-lines and wearing a fedora (though i cannot deny, it can work well). I am all about VIBE. to me, projecting a positive energy is key to meeting people and possibly stray cats. I am an avid believer in the phrase, "It's not what you say, but how you say it."

So how do you project a good vibe? Well, there are a few things one can do but the main thing I would suggest you focus on is SELF-BELIEF.

Believe that you are a GIFT. Believe that when you talk to someone, you are adding value to that person's life. Believe that you are like the man who GIVES money, instead of TAKING money. You are an awesome person and you want to better that person's life and have that person better your life. A lot of men approach women with the mindset that they want something from her, maybe her phone number, sex or her "Meteor Garden" DVD set. DON'T DO THAT.

When talking to a woman, know your own value. Know that you are an awesome person and can help her have an awesome time. Let her see that and work towards coaxing you into her life. She wants in on the chase too. Instead of going over and saying "Hi" with a motive, think of it as going over and saying "Hi" and finding out if SHE might have a motive. This is not a weak "FRAME". This should be your reality.

Publié dans PUA

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