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TEST #1 - Trust Test - Best Friend Test

Best Friend test YOU: “OK, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for? (If you think they’re sisters ask: “Are you guys sisters or best friends?”) THEM: “Blah blah blah…” YOU: “See, I knew that” T HEM: “How could you know that?” YOU: “I’ll...

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PUA #11 - Tyler Durden / Alpha male

PUA #11 - Tyler Durden / Alpha male

When I first came onto the board, breakbeat IM'ed me to ask if I had any insights onto what an alphamale really was, and what characteristics/attributes/qualities they had. I kept my eyes open for a long time, and compiled a mental list. I've been meaning...

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SHIT-TEST #1 - Kiss close rate

Quoi tu est timide, tu n’oses pas embrasser un garçon ? Tu sais comment on fait les enfants au moins ? » « Tu ne veux pas m’embrasser ? Tu ne t’es pas laver les dents ? C'est pas grave, je suis enrhumé, je en sentirais rien. » « Tu pense que je suis trop...

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