PUA #9 - Bad Boys rule

Publié le par jetchandy

1) Girls Will Not Make You Happy
Happiness is inside YOU, not in other people… or stuff that you need to buy. That is exactly society wants you to think; to look outside yourself to others or things you need to buy for your happiness. But this can only bring temporary happiness. Most girls out there are unhappy with their lives and they search for a man to make them happy. Actually they search for a happy man, to jump into his life, and enjoy his life. That is why you must focus on yourself first, before you bring someone else in your life.

2) If You Don’t Change You Will Stay Where You Are
This is simple. Same actions get same results. If you are not happy with what you are getting from life, it’s time to change. Try anything, but don’t stay where you are because it will lead you exactly to where you are now. Moving in a new direction will lead to new results.

3) What Would You Do If There Was No Fear?
Can you imagine how your life would be if there were absolutely no fear in it? Ask yourself, what would you do, how would you behave? Then start doing those things, little by little, to decondition yourself from fear and reprogram yourself to do the things you really want to do. When you beat your fear, you will be FREE.

4) The Sooner You Forget Your Old Girlfriend, The Sooner You Will Find a New One
Most guys, after they break up with a girl, they think about her for months. It’s normal after long term relationships to have emotions for that girl, but the sooner you forget about her, the sooner you will find a new girl. Be aware that an end is a new beginning. It’s smart to always have a backup girl in your life, so when you break up with one girl, you can jump to the other one. That is the reason why you should always stay social and go out, no matter how hot and pefect your girl is. There is always a chance you will break up.

5) Don ’t Wait For Girls To Come To You
You should always be pro-active. It’s a very bad idea to stay home and think, “Its just going to happen.” That’s how girls think, because they generally play a more passive role in society. It’s written in your genes that we are the stronger sex, the hunters, the ones that make thing happen. That’s how it’s been for million of years. Don’t betray your genes and evolution.

6) If You Think You Can Get The Girl, You Can
It’s very important to stay focused on positivity and be sure that for every action you do, sooner or later you will be rewarded. Avoid negative thoughts, girls can feel it, and as soon they smell you are a “bad thinker” they will avoid you.

7) Go For Your Dreams
Never abandon your dreams. They will keep you motivated. There is nothing on this planet that can stop you from making your dreams come true, except you. There is nothing more important than your dreams. Life is too short to not make yourself happy.

Start Chasing Girls And ENJOY It
Soon you will realize that the chase is so much fun it is often times better than the actual sex is. In the long run, girls like sex more than guys do. We get bored with one girl pretty quickly and our genes motivate us to a find a new girl, to spread our semen. While girls are programmed to find that 'special one' and raise kids with him. So enjoy the chase, enjoy going out, and have fun doing it. It’s a natural instinct for us.

9) Life Is Constant Change
Those who cannot adapt themselves to new environments will die. To be really successful in life and with women, you must use everything life gives you. All your good and bad qualities. You must use all disadvantages to your advantage. Loud music, dark clubs, your hobbies... everything! It’s a skill to learn to use everything to your advantage. It’s different way of thinking than you are p robably used to but always ask yourself, "What can I do with this?" and, "How can I use this in my favour?"

10) The More You Worry About Getting Girls, The Less Success You Will Have
Neediness is a big turn off for everybody. When you want something too much, it lowers your value as a person. It means something is more important then you are. So the key is: know what you want on the inside, but be cool, like you don’t care too much on the outside or that it will come easily to you. The less you appear to care and the easier things seem for you, the better results you will get.

11) Every Girl Is A Potential Girlfriend, Whether You Realize It Or Not
Everything is an opportunity. The girl walking down the street, two girls in a coffeeshop talking, the girl next door . If you take what life gives you and make the absolute most of it, you will find a lot of opportunities that you never thought were possible. A new girl will come to you as a gift if you enjoy it as a challenge, make the move and beat your fear.

12) Fear of Change Will Prevent You From Changing
People are afraid of change. Most of them are zombies, and they don’t want to change because of a fear of the unknown. And of course if you don’t change you will get what you’ve always got. You must SEE the advantage of changing yourself and take ACTION immediately, even if it is uncomfortable.[/b]

Publié dans PUA

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